Vision and Values
Our vision and values are core to the delivery of our services – these are:
- To provide quality services, promoting independence and the rights of all people with disabilities to have a safe and welcoming home, with support as and when they need it.
- To work productively within a multi-agency team to meet the accommodation needs of people who have a learning disability or other requirements for care and support.
- To treat every tenant with respect and equality – we believe in equal opportunities for all regardless of race, cultural heritage, sexual orientation or disability.
- To support and promote tenant involvement at all times.
- To provide choice – we believe that people with disabilities should have genuine choice about where and how they live.
- To operate all parts of our business in an environmentally friendly way.
- To manage our finances, debts and resources prudently.
- To grow and adapt our service to meet the needs of a larger number of disabled people who require accommodation, care and support