Whitemore Road Annex, Guildford
Whitemore Road Annex, Guildford
EHSL’s supported housing service at Whitemore Road opened in 2020 during the Covid lockdown, and initially provided accommodation for up to 5 people with learning disability, who are provided with 24/7 support by Sans Soucie Homecare.
The building owner had previously obtained permission to erect an outbuilding for use as a home office or gym, for which works had commenced but were not subsequently completed. In 2022, EHSL worked with the building owner and local authority to establish whether the permission granted would enable a further unit of accommodation to be provided. It was determined that it would be permissible providing that the accommodation was ancillary to the main house, meaning that the occupant of the annex would be part of the wider household and would share other facilities.
The annex was completed in spring 2023 and offers a double bedroom, sitting area and private bathroom. Kitchen and laundry facilities are available within the main house. The annex now enables a further person to live with greater privacy and independence, whilst benefiting from the shared overnight care and communal spaces within the main property.